Flexible workspaces for teams

We offer flexible workplace solutions for every team size. Dedicated individual open space areas, team offices and flexible workspaces make the perfect mix for your company at Zurich Airport.

Flexible team-friendly

The rooms and contracts in the Novu Campus are individual and adaptable designed to meet the different needs of each team

Prime location

Zurich airport, as central hub, and The Circle with its comprehensive offer form an ideal business hub for startups and companies.

Top standard of construction

The expansion and furnishing of the Novu Campus is in line with latest standards and are continuously updated to latest market requirements adjusted.


Flexible, transparent, fair

The ideal mix of team office, fixed open space workplaces and flexible memberships offers a cost-effective solution for teams. Until the opening in 2025, you will still benefit from early bird pricing.

Team Office Desk
CHF 900/month
Fixed dedicated workstation
Ergonomic height-adjustable table in a closed team office
24/7 access via smartphone
Monthly meeting room quota
Can be individually adjusted according to your wishes
Access to services, events & community
Dedicated Open Space Desk
CHF 700/month
Fixed dedicated workstation
Ergonomic height-adjustable table in a dedicated Open Space team
24/7 access via smartphone
Monthly meeting room quota
Access to services, events & community
Access Membership
CHF 250/month
Flexible shared workplace
Flexible open space workplace with clean desk policy
24/7 access via smartphone
20% discount on meeting room bookings
Access to services, events & community

Novu Campus calculator

How many employees does your company have?
What percentage of your employees need access to the Novu Campus (24/7 access via smartphone)?
(Info: Employees who only attend meetings or work remotely are not counted)
Total employees with access to the Novu Campus:
Our recommendation for FIX Desks:
Our recommendation for Access Memberships:
Total costs per month (CHF):
Willst du eine detaillierte Offerte?
Inclusive services

All Inclusive Services


Community kitchen with free coffee, tea, beer and a monthly brunch.

Discounts at the Coffee Bar & The Circle.

Access to spaces & communities in other Swiss cities.


Free hosting with reception, guest reception & daily cleaning.

IT troubleshooting & IT setups possible.

Very fast WiFi, printer, scanner & office supplies.

Construction standard

Bright, air-conditioned & well-ventilated rooms for perfect working conditions.

Very good acoustics for concentrated work.

High security levels with access control & own company networks.

“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit. Suspend Varius Enim in Eros Elementum Tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.”Als internationales Startup bietet der Novu Campus für uns den perfekten Mix, Nähe zum Flughafen, eine internationale Community und professionelles Arbeitsplätze. Zudem bietet die Flexibilität die idealen Voraussetzungen für unser Wachstum. Wir freuen uns auf die Eröffnung im 2025."

Marko Kusigerski
Position, company name

“Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit. Suspend Varius Enim in Eros Elementum Tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.”

Amin Rashwan
Position, company name

International community at Zurich Airport

The Novu Campus at The Circle, Zurich Airport, offers your startup, team or company the ideal space for successful growth. With modern workplaces, flexible office solutions and a lively community, the campus creates the perfect environment to promote innovation, expand networks and achieve goals together.


Der perfekte Arbeitsort für dein Team!

FAQs Topic

My team is looking for a solution from now on. Do you already have anything available?

The Novu Campus opens in June 2025. In the meantime, we at Circle can offer you an interim solution that works well for your team in a modern and ergonomic way so that you can switch directly to us when you open. The move is of course coordinated by us.

Mein Team wird bald ein neues Zuhause suchen. Wann geht es los?

Wir arbeiten bereits auf Hochtouren an dem Projekt. In der Zwischenzeit finden wir gerne eine Lösung für Sie bis zur Eröffnung, wo Sie dann problemlos umziehen können.

Was kann ich mir vorstellen, wenn ihr über den Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft sprecht?

Wir arbeiten derzeit mit einer Vielzahl von Experten zusammen, um einen Arbeitsplatz und eine Gemeinschaft zu schaffen, die über den normalen Standard hinausgeht. In diesem Raum kombinieren wir Coworking mit Gemeinschaftsräumen und Tagungs- und Konferenzräumen.

Ich würde gerne einen genaueren Einblick erhalten. Habt ihr weitere Dokumente?

Wir senden dir gerne weitere Informationen zu und führen dich durch die Räumlichkeiten. Wir haben bereits erste Mietinteressenten und freuen uns auf weitere spannende Unternehmungen. Nehme Kontakt mit uns auf unter info@novucampus.com